Financial Freedom: How to Manage Your Money Wisely (Hope for the Heart)


Hunt, June

SKU: 9781596369412 Category:


Start your journey toward financial freedom today with this quick and simple guide on money management! Packed with practical money saving tips, proven strategies, and biblical insight, this 96-page book shows how to honor God with your personal finances, reign in your spending habits, and move out from under the burden of debt into financial freedom.

Do you wake up in the morning with money issues on your mind? Do you worry about how to pay your bills? Are you envious of certain people because they have things you can’t afford? If any of these statements apply to you, it may be time to evaluate how you handle your finances. To gain a godly perspective on finances and learn how to wisely manage your money, check out this easy-to-understand Christian guide on money management. It covers—

What the Bible says about money, stewardship, giving, and tithes. Includes key Bible verses

4 myths about money that lead to overspending

6 common lifestyle choices that can keep you stuck in debt. Includes a checklist that will help you evaluate whether you are making wise spending decisions.

5 key principles on how to manage your money, covering everything from growing in contentment to practicing self-control. Scripture verses and life-application steps included.

Answers key questions on money management and financial stewardship:

What does the Bible say about finances?

How can I handle my money responsibly? How can I cancel my debt?

How can I resist the urge to spend? Why do I feel the urge to spend?

If I give money to God, can I expect Him to bless me with financial gain?

I’ve been told it is wrong to save money. Does a savings account prove that I’m not trusting God?

Whether you need help achieving financial freedom yourself or you are helping others pursue their financial goals, this quick-answer guide offers practical advice and money managing tools that will help you.

Get Money Saving Tips and Practical Financial Advice You Can Start Applying to You Life Today

Here’s just 4 money tips (money management strategies) included in this incredible financial guide from Christian counselor, June Hunt.

Money Tip #1: Identify and Assess Your Financial Situation

Take inventory of your assets: What do you own? What is the approximate value of the things you own (car, house, property, insurance policy-large items)?

Identify your income: How much money do you make?

Detail your debts: What/who do you owe? When is it due?

What interest rates are you paying on each debt?

Approximate your monthly bills: What do you pay for rent/mortgage, utilities, gasoline/transportation, phone, food, clothing, insurance, entertainment?

Helpful Hint: Keep a log throughout each month of everything you spend.

Money Tip #2: Consider Your Lifestyle and Spending Habits

Be introspective: Why do you live the way you do? For career advancement, to please family, to entertain friends, or to live comfortably?

Consider what you could honestly do without: Do you pay others to do something that you could do yourself? Do you eat out when you could eat less expensively at home?

Money Tip #3: Establish Financial Goals

List future expenditures: What future expenses do you anticipate? (such as schooling, purchasing a home, replacing a car, etc).

Consider future career and family changes: Are you considering starting your own business, serving in a ministry, getting married, or starting a family? How will these plans change your financial situation?

State your future financial goals: Financially, where do you want to be 5 years from now…

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