As the old saying goes, “Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual.” Well, neither did fatherhood, -until now. With this beautifully designed collection of advice culled from the hard-won wisdom of other fathers, baffled dads everywhere can now receive immediate answers to questions that have eluded them for years.
“Dad’s Book of Answers”(r), the latest installment in the tremendously successful Book of Answers series, follows the practice of bibliomancy, foretelling the future through books. For questions ranging from “Is it time to have that ‘birds and bees’ talk with my daughter?” to “Am I spending enough quality time with my kids?” or even “Can I open a beer bottle with a screwdriver?” this book has the answer for Dad. He simply meditates on or speaks the question aloud while riffling through the pages, and stops when the time feels right. He then opens the book to where his hand came to a pause, and the wisdom he seeks will literally be at his fingertips. This book is individual parenting collectively made easier.
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